Game Dev Tycoon is a game of strategy and management, that following in the path of Game Dev Story (available on iOS and Android), allows players to create their own video game development company, and take it from the basement, to the top of the world of electronic entertainment.
For this, our adventure will precisely begin in the basement of our avatar's house. From here, you can develop your first video games, and by doing so you will be successful and climb the ladder until you reach working in an office with lots of other employees.
When it is time to create your video game, you have to select a genre and theme. You can choose between popular combinations, such as making a role playing game set in medieval times, or combinations that are more strange such as a sports game with a futuristic setting. Whatever you make, you will have many more options to select throughout the development.
Once you finish a game, everything will be in the hands of the critics, who may choose to rate your game better or worse depending on how good your game turned out to be. These notes from the critics will, in part, determine the number of sales that your game will make. And of course, more sales, more money.
Game Dev Tycoon is a strategy and management game aimed primarily at lovers of the world of video games who will find lots of references, nods, and winks, and for this, those that are not familiar with all the elements of video games, may loose out on part of the fun of the game.
I wanted to test it, but it didn't find the file.
Very good, really cool. The file is fine.